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Avoid Making Your Home a Target for Theft

Posted by Patti Mardell on December 3, 2015
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Are you currently remodeling your home? You are a target! Be Aware! Be secure! 8 homes have been victimized in the last 3 months in the West Valley Area as reported by the LAPD. Thieves and burglars will often target homes under construction.
Follow These Tips to Protect Your Home:
• REMOVE empty appliance boxes
• Be aware of who is working on your home. Know how many people will be inside your home on any given day. Ask questions.
• Be aware of what is in your home; appliances, fixtures or miscellaneous property. TAKE PHOTOS.
• Be secure: LOCK UP or RELOCATE all valuables and documents, as well as any materials and tools. If the home is missing walls, fence the property and lock it.

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